Neste post iremos colocar (ou tentar) colocar todas as Openings da temporada (Não as Full Versions)
Adicionaremos novas openings (Se houverem) com o tempo, caso alguma serie se estenda por mais um arco (Como GGO)
Se eu tiver esquecido de algum anime por favor avise nos comentários (^_^)
If I've forgot any anime pls tell me at the comments (^_^)
As frases azuis são links para as Openings, ok? ^.^
The Blue Phrases are the links to the Openings k? ^.^
Dekoboko Kaiketsu Sensation - Otome Shinto

Yes - Ayaka Ohashi
Space Dandy (Second Season/Segunda Temporada):

Viva Namida - Yasuyuki Okamura
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun:

Kimi ja Nakya Dame Mitai - Masayoshi Oishi
Zankyou No Terror:

Trigger - Galileo Galilei
Infelizmente não encontrei nenhum link da opening, mas tentem ver no próprio Ep, porque essa é uma das melhores openings da temporada
Unfortuntelly I didn't find any link of this opening, but u guys should try to see it in the own episode bc its one of the bests Openings of this season
Unfortuntelly I didn't find any link of this opening, but u guys should try to see it in the own episode bc its one of the bests Openings of this season
Akame ga Kill:

Skyreach - Sora Amamiya
DRAMAtical Murder:

Slip On The Pumps - Goatbed
Serei Tsukai no Blade Dance:

Kyoumei no True Force - Hitomi Harada
Ao Haru Hide:

Sekai wa Koi ni Ochiteiru - CHiCO & HoneyWorks
Hanayamata/Hana Yamata:

Hanaha Odori Reya Iroha ni Ho - "Team Hanayamata"
Re: Hamatora (Second Season/Segunda Temporada):

Sen no Tsubasa - Livetune ft. Takuro Sugawara
Momo Kyun Sword:

Momoiro Fantasy - Haruka Chisuga
Majimoji Rurumo:

Seiippai, Tsutaetai! - Suzuko Mimori
Bakumatsu Rock!:

Jack - Vistlip
Free! Eternal Summer:

Dried Up Youthful Fame - Oldcodex
Love Stage!!:

Lovest - SCREEN Mode
Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya Zwei! (Ou 2wei):

Moving Soul - Minami Kuribayashi

Natsu no Hi to Kimi no Koe - ChouCho
Shirogane no Ishi: Argevollen:

Tough Intention - KOTOKO
Tokyo Ghoul:

Unravel - Ling Tosite Sigure
Rail Wars!:

Mukai Kaze ni Utarenagara - Minori Chihara
Persona 4 The Golden Animation:

Next Chance to Move On - Shihoko Hirata
Key Plus World - Shihoko Hirata
Futsuu no Joshikousei ga ?Locodol? Yaate Mita:
![Episódios Futsuu no Joshikousei ga [Locodol] Yattemita.](
Mirai Fanfare - Nagaregawa Girls
Kuroshitsuji: Book of Circus

Enamel - SID
Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!?:

Koukan win-win Mujouken - Heart Invader
Tokyo ESP:

Tokyo Zero Heart - Faylan
Sword Art Online (Second Season/Segunda Temporada):

Ignite - Eir Aoi

Heavenly Blue - Kalafina

Rashisa - Super Beaver
Isso é tudo, até agora
Thats all, for the moment
+ReiSuke+ & ~~Uryuu
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